I went through formal recruitment TWO whole years ago. Before coming to WSU I went to Wellington High School, a small town 45 minutes South of Wichita. During high school I had always been very social, I was involved in many organizations and the thought of going to a school that I couldn’t be involved and wouldn’t know anyone was SCARY. All of my friends had decided on going on different paths, a couple to KU, Butler, Emporia, and more. I was the only one going to Wichita State aside from my best guy friend who had recently joined a fraternity right after graduation. I went to a few of their volleyball events over the summer and got to meet a lot of Greeks! I loved atmosphere! It felt like I had my very own “high school group” up in Wichita my soon to be new home. I had met many girls who were in sororities and they encouraged me to GO GREEK! They told me about the opportunities being Greek had given them and the friendships they gained! I was hooked from there.
Everything they said about Greek life turned out to be true! I went through formal recruitment and was terrified! I had heard girls say how it was “the best decision of their life” I can definitely say they were right! During formal recruitment I met so many women that have become some of my closest friends. Not only do you get a group of sisters in your individual house you gain over a two hundred Panhellenic sisters!
Being Greek has given me job opportunities, friendships to last a life time, has made me a better person, opened up so many experiences and best of all. I encourage everyone to at LEAST go to one night of recruitment! Being Greek is more about the letters you wear. It’s about giving back to your community, creating lifelong connections, gaining experience, and best of all having the time of your life with the best support system a girl could ask for!
Taylor Peck