You are less than a month away from being apart of a new family and beginning a new chapter of your life. Are you ready for the best four years of your life?
If you haven't already, research each chapter's national and local website. This will give you an advantage when going through recruitment.
Carson, the Rho Gammas and I are so excited to meet you! There are several events coming up that we will be in attendance.
Fairmount Move-In Day- August 17, 8:30 am-12 pm
Back to School Bash- August 17, 7-9 pm
Activity Fair- August 28 11am-2 pm
Walk-a-Mile in Her Shoes- August 27, 6-8 pm
Convocation- August 27, 11-1 pm
We also have several informational sessions about Sorority Life that I encourage everyone to attend! Each session is the same, so come to a session that works best for you!
August 18 @ 8 pm in Fairmount Towers Game Room
August 21 @ 5 pm in Hubbard Hall 231
August 27 @ 4 pm in Hubbard Hall 211
August 29 @ 7 pm in Hubbard Hall 231
Feel free to stop by and talk with us!!!
Recruitment Coordinator