Thursday, August 15, 2013

Taylor Lanterman | Delta Gamma

Going Greek was never something I imagined for myself while thinking about college. I always knew WSU was the right place for me because it was close to home. Although it was only a 20 minute drive to campus, very few of my close friends were coming to WSU with me. I was nervous about not knowing anyone and never making friends by choosing to live at home and not on campus. A few girls who went to my high school asked if I was going through recruitment. To be honest, I didn’t know ANYTHING about being Greek and neither did they. We all went through the process together and I’m glad we did. 

I made friends I never thought I would have during recruitment week. It was fun to see where we all ended up. That experience was one that I would recommend to any girl living at home while attending Wichita State. It was a great way to meet people who will end up in other chapters and also meet girls who will become your future sisters!

Taylor Lanterman