Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Allison Gettings | Rho Gamma

Hello! My name is Allison Gettings, and I am a senior majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications at Wichita State University. I also serve as the Public Relations Chair on Women’s Panhellenic Association. I’m very excited and honored to be a Rho Gamma this year to help potential new members (PNMs) find their letters.

I was very involved when I was in high school with Student Council, National Honors Society and keeping up with my studies. I was always on the go. My freshman year of college I decided to take a break from the madness and not join any organizations. Big mistake. Going from class to work to home grew boring and repetitive after a while (not to mention lonely!). My friend Nicole was the one who encouraged me to go Greek. She sat me down and said, “Allison, you need to go through recruitment. Trust me. You won’t regret it.” Boy, was I glad I took her advice even though I was almost too nervous to sign up.

I went through formal recruitment in fall 2011. The week was filled with so many emotions and memories, and it was one of the best times of my life. There were many times I had to sit down with my Rho Gamma – now one of my best friends – and talk about my experiences during the recruitment process. I had conversations with so many unique women, shared my story and joined the chapter I am proud to be a part of today. My sisters are always there for me and accept me for who I am; I wouldn’t have it any other way.

There are many events the Greek community puts on every year, but philanthropy events are by far my favorite. Watching people from all walks of life come together to support a cause is a really great thing to witness. From cancer charities to charities for the visually impaired, Wichita State University’s Greek community supports a variety of organizations.

My life has changed for the better since I went Greek. I’ve met so many interesting people, given back to the community and grown as an individual. Every year is a new journey, but I know I’ve always got my sisters behind me along the way. Being Greek gives me a sense of purpose in college; being a part of something bigger than myself is a very humbling experience.

Allison Gettings